We're changing the way people work.

Our journey began with a simple yet ambitious goal: to revolutionise how businesses handle orders, from inception to delivery. Today, we are proud to be at the forefront of order management solutions, offering cutting-edge software designed to streamline and optimize every aspect of the order process.

Our mission

We are driven by a singular mission: to empower small and medium businesses with smart, intuitive, and reliable order management software. We understand that each order is more than just a transaction—it's an opportunity to build the relationship with your customers.

Our mission is to ensure that every order is managed with precision, efficiency, and care. We specialise in software that aligns with your company's natural workflow produces superior efficiency and productivity. Employees don't have to waste time trying to navigate complex systems or figure out workarounds.

Your success is our success. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service, continuous software updates, and personalized support to ensure that our software meets and grows with your business needs.

Order notifications automated
2.3 million
Customer invoices automated
$6.25 billion
Customer orders automated

Our values

These are the guiding principles that shape our business, from internal culture to interactions with customers and partners.

Creative thinking
Not every problem is going to have an obvious answer. Sometimes you need to get creative to find a solution that works for you. We love to apply our minds to solve interesting problems.
Customer centric
By taking an active interest in our customers' business we join them on their journey as they evolve. Not only understanding their business operationally, but the philosphy behind it as well.
Always learning
Keeping up with the latest technology trends, actively learning from customer feedback, and embracing experimentation with new ideas, while learning from both successes and failures.
In us, customers gain a partner that looks out for their interests with a fresh perspective, critical and strategic thinking that has a positive impact on their success.
Tangible value
We look beyond buzzwords and hype to identify proven solutions that meet customers' specific needs, requiring a deep understanding of our customers to drive high impact results.
Finding the joy
Our creed emphasises discovering joy in work, essential for both personal and professional well-being and significantly impacts productivity, creativity and health.

5 out of 5 stars

"If I had one message to business owners, it would be 'Take control of your business. Don’t be in denial about your underlying issues - Floware isn't just a solution; it's a game changer for any business."

Richard Wiederhold
Advanced Valves

Our methodology

The Flōway

Over the span of 20 years, we have developed our methodology to genuinely enhance business efficiency, helping our customers to establish and optimise businesses processes that meet customer expectations more consistently, and optimises profitability.

Continuous improvement process
Ongoing enhancement, adapts to change, boosts efficiency, and drives sustainable long-term growth.
Work isn't static, it flows
Orders are active tasks in motion, not static documents, requiring continuous management and updates.
Process driven
Process oriented workflows enhances consistency, efficiency, and quality while reducing errors and aligning actions with strategic goals.
Automation of repetitive tasks
Reduce human error, save time, increase efficiency, and allow more focus on complex, strategic tasks.
Measure in order to improve
To enhance performance or efficiency, it's essential to quantify aspects for targeted improvements.
Management by exception
Managers can assume processes run smoothly, with the system alerting if deviations arise, enabling more efficient oversight.
Set it and forget it
Once configured, tasks are carried out automatically according to predefined settings, freeing up time for other activities.